Monday, April 9, 2012

When Marian Sang

It was her range of notes
that caused all the commotion.
With one breath she sounded like rain,
sprinkling high notes in the morning sun.
And with the next she was thunder,
resounding the deep in a dark sky. (Ryan) 

As this Lenten Season comes to a close, I recommend the moving bio of Marian Anderson called When Marian Sang written by Pam Munoz Ryan and illustrated by Brian Selznnick (c. 2002).  Our library includes the audio recording, making it a spellbinding experience to hear Anderson as she sings in that majestic contralto voice . . . her voice was distinct -- strong and velvety and able to climb more than twenty-four notes (Ryan).

Listen to one of America's greatest singers; listen and be moved by the story of Marian Anderson, accompanied by her remarkable voice singing songs ranging from spirituals to opera.

Marian Anderson singing at the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday, April 9, 1939

1 comment:

  1. What a coincidence. In a book I am reading (called Quiet - it's phenomenal!), Marian Anderson was mentioned. And this clip was specifically talked about as one of the many ways Eleanor Roosevelt bravely and doggedly pushed social justice issues into the public spotlight - despite being a painfully shy introvert that hated crowds! Happy to see this review and this footage. Thanks for sharing.
